The Altona Primary School Council is the governing body of APS and works collaboratively with the school community to ensure all decisions affecting students are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interests of the students.
If you have any questions about School Council, would like raise any items for discussion at a School Council meeting or would like to attend a meeting as an observer, please contact School Council President Said Shafa at said.shafa@education.vic.gov.au.
School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. A school council develops a vision for the school in collaboration with all members of the school community and is actively involved in the development of and endorses the school’s strategic plan.
Main responsibilities
finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
strategic planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
policy development and review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
School council operates under a framework provided by the:
Education and Training Reform Act 2006
Education and Training Regulations 2007
The School’s Constituting Order
Objectives, functions and powers of school councils
The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 defines the objectives, functions and powers of school councils.
A school council’s objectives are to:
assist in the efficient governance of the school
ensure that its decisions affecting students of the school are made having regard, as a primary consideration, to the best interests of the students
enhance the educational opportunities of the students of the school
ensure the school and the council comply with any requirements of this Act, the regulations, a Ministerial Order or a direction, guideline or policy issued under this Act.
Council membership and parent participation
Our council comprises 14 members: 9 parent members, 1 community member and 4 Department of Education and Training (DET) members, including our principal. Councillors serve a one- or two-year term, with around half the council standing for election each year. Elections are held before March 31st each year.
Our School Council invites all parents to nominate to participate in its work and activities, particularly through its sub-committees. The school community will be kept informed about the operations of school council through the newsletter or via Compass.
All school council members join one of our sub-committees and we invite the school community to join us on these sub committees.
Said Shafa (president), Peter Tippner (vice president), Eleanor MacPherson, Martina Otten, Martjin Van Den Brand, Melissa Connolly, Tanja Hauseler, Joel Chamberlain, Michael Sperling, Emma Hamilton (community member)
DET (Department of Education) employees:
Sarah Afiouni (Principal), Tim Jenkins, Andrew Gilpin, Christina Reginato
Finance – Convenor: Sarah Afiouni and Lisa Romeo (Business Manager). School Council members: Said Shafa, Joel Chamberlain and Melissa Connolly
Buildings and Grounds – Convenor: Sarah Afiouni. School Council members: Peter Tippner and Martjin Van Den Brandt
Fundraising and Community Engagement - Convenor: Andrew Gilpin. School Council members: Eleanor Macpherson and Emma Hamilton
Education and Policies – Convenor: Tim Jenkins. School Council members: Michael Sperling, Tanja Hausler, Martina Otten and Christina Reginato​